Friday, October 25, 2024

Life Changers Outreach Exposed

Life Changers Outreach is a false ministry that is seen selling their merchandise outside of many Wal-Marts across the country.  Their ministry is specifically aimed at helping people overcome abuse, addiction, etc.  

Now, this exposure is limited,  There are many things which this ministry does which is troubling to society, but not all such troublesome things are violations of Scripture and/or make them a false ministry.  So, in the spirit of I Corinthians 13:9, this exposure is limited.

Here's what I have so far:

1. Peddling The Word of God For Profit

The Bible says:

2Co 2:17  For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. (ESV) 

"like so many", Life Changers Outreach regularly solicits donations for their ministry.  This ministry even asks people to give every month!  This is what is written in their "Support Us" page:

Help Change a Life Every Month

Join LifeChangers Heroes monthly giving program

Become a part of the LifeChangers Outreach community

of monthly supporters who support students

throughout their journey with Christ. 

Donate monthly today!

This is wickedness, because it is a rejection of the above Scripture.

2. Female Pastors

The Bible says:

1Ti 2:12  I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. (ESV)

In their "Meet The Staff" page, the following women are listed as either Lead Pastors or Associate Pastors:

Juanell Gallo, Associate Pastor, Apostolic Staff
Cheri Vincent, Associate Pastor, North Carolina Staff
Falisha Patrick, Lead Pastor, Missouri Staff

The following three women are rejecting the Word of God by being pastors.

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