Quickie Exposures


  • Quickie Note: Dave Ramsey is a false teacher that leads to Hell (as all false teachers do, says Galatians 1:8-9 and 2 Peter 2:1, etc.), because he teaches people how to be rich (a millionaire), catering to those who want to be rich, in violation of I Timothy 6:9. I wouldn't be so urged to expose him (Ephesians 5:11) if he didn't base his money teachings on the Bible (see I Corinthians 5:12). Flee from him! (John 10:5) Yes, pay off debts (Romans 13:8), but DO NOT lay up treasures on Earth for yourself (Matthew 6:19).

  • Quickie Note: Calvinism is a lie. The "L" in their doctrinal acrostic TULIP stands for "Limited Atonement" which teaches that Jesus died only for the elect. This is a lie, because Hebrews 10:10 says that Jesus died for ALL. Beware of Calvinists like Charles Spurgeon, Paul Washer, Fred Phelps, and the like.

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 Stay tuned, I might do a post on how satisfaction (also called contentment) is a wonderful thing, especially for me.  I have much to say ab...