Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Street Sweeper Song

Col 3:23  And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 

Php 2:4  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 

I came up with a song; I don't have any music to it, but you can put mostly any song to it.

(I now have music, AI generated by the Donna app:)

This song is based on MLK Jr's Street Sweeper speech.  I ran it through AI to make it rhyme.  Hope you like it:

All the hosts of heaven’s tune

The lights are up, the camera’s boon

The director counts, the crew’s in place 

Players poised, ready for the chase

The piper pipes, the host awaits 

Control booth whispers, “Go, create!” 

This…is…life, the studio’s stage 

And here comes today’s street sweeper sage

Returning champion, will they shine? 

Like Mike, Bill, or Ludwig, divine 

The highest rated show, they say 

Pay-per-view, a king’s ransom to pay

Street sweeper, put your chips on the line 

Your street, the final boss, so fine 

Bee’s knees, they claim, your sweeping grace 

Prove them right, sweep well in this race!

The task is complete, the crowd's delight

The silent majority recalls your fight

Your name they remember, it echoes in fame

Street sweeper, yet the game's not the same

You've got some PR, a new stage to claim

Consider humanity, it's not just a game

A champion you are, now champion for all

Your heart must be open, or you'll surely fall

The people aren't pawns in your sweeping spree

Remember mankind's business, the charity

Mercy and forbearance, in your trade's small sea

Will add breadth to your length, a grand legacy

So live well, street sweeper, with heart and zeal

Your sweep's more than dirt, it's the human feel

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