Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Why I Am Single

 I am currently 36 years old.  I have no wife, and no kids.  Sometimes, people would ask me why I'm still single.  Some might ask me if I had a girlfriend yet.

Here are the facts:

I am not looking for a wife.  I used to be desperate for one (I will admit that), but I've stopped looking because:

1. It's just not worth it given the divorce statistics.  God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).  That, and I've heard too many horror stories of child support, alimony, custody battles, etc.  No thanks.

2. I don't have the time, energy, and resources right now for modern courtship, which actually is unnecessary.  If you find a biblically eligible spouse, and you both are seeking marriage, particularly if your reproductive regions are sounding their alarm bells, why wait?  Get married, even if you have to elope!  It is better to marry than to burn. (similar to I Corinthians 7:9) 

3. I highly doubt any woman would want me as a husband anyway.  Firstly, I must be married to a believer (like I Corinthians 7:39), otherwise it's no deal immediately.  Secondly, she must be either never before married, or widowed.  Again, if she's been previously divorced, it's no deal immediately, for if I married her, I would be committing the sin of adultery (Matthew 5:32, 19:9, Luke 16:18).  Thirdly, as a believer, she must adhere to the biblical roles of a wife, just as I must adhere to the biblical roles of a husband.  This is where I'm likely to be given a hard pass:  

Did you know that in the Bible:

* A wife must submit to her husband, which includes obedience (with the exception of sin) (Ephesians 5:22-24, 33, Acts 5:29)

* A wife must be silent in church (I Corinthians 14:34-35)

Now, to give equal time to the husband, the husband must:

* Provide for the wife, through love, nourishing, cherishing, etc. (Ephesians 5:25-33)

* Not be bitter towards his wife (Colossians 3:19)

* Give honor to his wife (I Peter 3:7)

In the secular world, all this is known as Wheaton's Law, which says "Don't be a d***".  I emphasize this because many people think that a woman submitting to her husband means that the husband is like some mean taskmaster who cracks the whip.  HE IS NOT!  If he was so, his own prayers would be hindered (I Peter 3:7).  So, there is incentive for the husband to show kindness to his wife.

In conclusion, in the eyes of God, the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church. (Ephesians 5:23)  Christ provides for the Church (v. 25-30).  The Church obeys Christ. (v. 24)

Now, you try finding a woman, especially in America, that believes these things.  Good luck.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Song Based on Ecclesiastes 7:14

 I wrote this song to the tune of the Japanese song "Watashitachi O Shinjite Ite" by Cindy.  It is based on the following verse:

Ecc 7:14  In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

Here's the song:

Oh please tell me the odds
It's a measure of miracles
It is an act of God
To overcome the field

When in the day of prosperity
Exercise glee
You just might be luckier
Than you could ever think

I know there's lots of pain
In the divine orchestra
And we must accept
That this fact is true

But when it is time for pay
The Master say
"It is time for joy"
And may this joy last all day

He is the one who turns mourning to dancing
He changes clothing from sackcloth to gladness
Let us not silence our mouths, this is the time for celebration
Let us give thanks to Him forever, ever, ever

When you spin the wheel
And when you take a chance
If your number hits
It is time to dance

Don't get me wrong, it's not all bliss
Some days are a miss
On that day consider
for God has made it too

There is just as much joy
In the glory from Beverly
As on 11/1
To buy discount Hersheys

A homeless man has decent pants
For that he dance
Please do not berate
His blissful grateful chant

God is the one who turns mourning to dancing
He changes clothing from sackcloth to gladness
Let us not silence our mouths, this is the time for celebration
Let us give thanks to Him forever, ever, ever

I am just so floored at the Lord's blessings
Even though He can destroy us with a word
So get on your knees and start confessing
He is so good!

Now then, in the end
Will we have kept in His goodness?
For if we end astray
He will take us away

Let your hearts be full of fear
Than birds you are more dear
Just remember He who controls the time and chance
There is a time to mourn, and there is a time to dance 

Scripture Sources: Psalm 30:11-12, Ecclesiastes 3:4, Ecclesiastes 7:14, Ecclesiastes 9:11, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 10:31, Romans 11:22

Secular Sources: The Empire Strikes Back, Super Mario Odyssey, Planet Comicon KC 2022


 Stay tuned, I might do a post on how satisfaction (also called contentment) is a wonderful thing, especially for me.  I have much to say ab...